Thursday, December 8, 2011

I wish you a Merry Christmas not Happy Holidays

By  Katie Kisor

          The smell of eggnog and Christmas cookies fill the air with their enticing smells, Christmas trees everywhere shining brightly. Everyone singing excited for the holidays and the time to be with their family and friends.
Imagine two voices, one that cries Happy Holidays! And another that says Merry Christmas! I don’t know about you, but I like the sound of Merry Christmas more than I do the sound of Happy Holidays. I grew up listening to everyone say Merry Christmas. Why can’t we say it now?
On a poll at ABC news said that there are only 4% of people are non- Christian and 13% of people that have no religion at all.  So with a grand total of the United States 83% are Christian and celebrate Christmas. So why must we be quiet when it comes to Christmas? Why can’t we decorate with Merry Christmas, when we are the majority?
“I have been told where I work that I can decorate but I can not use the words "Merry Christmas." When I asked why I was told those words might offend someone,” Chris Jeffery of Belleville said. “I believe our government is incorrect in thinking that anyone would be offended by the words "Merry Christmas."
When we are the majority of the country and we celebrate Christmas we stay quiet so we don’t offend anyone and yet the government are being hypocritical.
"When I got the card from President Bush, it didn't mean that much to me," Catholic League president Bill Donohue said. "I figured that's what most presidents did. Then I found that I was wrong. Everybody from F.D.R. to Bush's father had at least one card every year while they were in office that said Merry Christmas."
I think it is time to get rid of “Happy Holidays” and go back to “Merry Christmas.” After all tis the season to be jolly. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Yearbook Cover Puzzle

Unscramble the puzzle to take a sneak-peak of this year's cover for the yearbook. Then head over to Josten's website to order yours!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Our Generation of Technology

By Katie Kisor

The dumbest generation ever, that’s what they call my generation. Why you may ask? Well some say its because some of us don’t even know how to use a ice tray or a can- opener. But what about the older generations--they can’t operate all the technology that we have learned to master.
            How can we be the dumbest generation when we can think and do so many things? We have advanced so far in technology. We write like no one has ever written in the past. We write every day. In some of the past generations people never wrote after high school unless they got a job that required it. We write knowing our purpose and our audience. People say that our technology has rotted our brains but really it has only made us a stronger generation.
            I personally think that the older generations need to realize that we are not dumb we just learn and understand in a different way and at a different rate then they have. We look at things in a more creative light. Is it wrong to think differently than anyone else?
            I know that some of my generation tend to stay in the house and not go outside because of technology and that is part of the reason people think we will do so terribly and I can’t say that I like the fact that those kids do that but those aren’t the ones making a difference the ones making a difference are the ones out their using their voices.
             I think that my generation is not dumb but very smart in the way we look at and do things. We are not the dumbest generation we may be one of the greatest generation that ever lived and no one has any right to say other wise.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

By Emily Writer 

  Tuesday, as you may have noticed, cell phone service was hard to come by. In every class I went to, I listened to my fellow students complain that they were unable to send a text, check Facebook, or even send a tweet. 
    While I understand why some people may have been upset, it soon became a bit excessive. If these students had been trying to use their phones for something important, then I may have actually felt bad for them. Instead, however, the majority of these students were simply trying to communicate with someone across the building. Is it really that hard to pull up your email and type, like on an actual computer keyboard? Well, apparently so, because the complaining didn't stop.
     Another thing that I would like to mention is the fact that phones technically aren't even allowed in school. Should it really be that big of a deal that something you aren't supposed to be using during school isn't working? I can't pretend I don't use my phone during class, but if my phone doesn't have service, then I just deal with it.
     Phones aren't supposed to be used in school anyway, so maybe instead of acting like the world is ending, students should take advantage of not having service and actually try being productive for once. School is supposed to be an opportunity to get an education and prepare for our future, and while that line may be overused, take a minute and think about it.
    In 20 years, will you even talk to half of the friends you have now? Probably not, you will be busy focused on your life, your job, and your family. The people you knew and the things you did in high school will merely be memories, but the education you received will actually help you out.
     Sure, cellphones are great to have, and there are times during class when you will want or need to use them, but be careful to make sure you don't overuse them. Just owning a phone and being in school makes you a very privileged person, so try not to abuse it.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Homecoming Candidate Profiles!

1. What do you think is special about homecoming at Smoky Valley?
Well... the parade and pep rally were always fun and special but now WE AREN'T HAVING THOSE. So the most special thing is that I'm a candidate =P

2. What are your plans for next year? 
Major in athletic training at either the University of Montana or K – State

3. Who's your favorite band?

4. What's your dream car?
Black Chevy Silverado =)

5. Who is the hottest guy you've ever seen?
Can I put a real person? Hopefully he won't see this... ever. Tyler Roberts. Mmmmmmm =)

6. What is your favorite TV show? 
Spongebob Squarepants, Jersey Shore, and Dexterrrrrr!

What do you think is special about homecoming at Smoky Valley?
It's a grand ol' time! It's nothing too special, but it's still fun.

What are your plans for next year?
Going to college, probably to KSU. GO CATS!

What's your favorite movie?
She's the Man

What's the most random item in your car?
A red reverse uno card 

Who is the hottest guy ever in your opinion?
Josh Turner

What's your favorite cartoon?
Go Diego Go 

What do you think is special about Smoky Valley?
Homecoming is my favorite football game of the year because we get to see and visit with all of our friends who have graduated!

What are your plans for next year?
I will be attending KSU and following the pre-med curriculum.

What's your favorite quote?
I wanna see you out that door, baby, Bye bye bye!

What's on your iPod?
everything? Nsync, Hilary Duff, Summer Set...and the song Shake Senora.

Who's your childhood hero?
Hilary Duff...a.k.a. Lizzie McGuire!

What's your favorite coffee drink?
The Frosted Pumpkin...created by yours truly ;)

1. What do you think is special at homecoming here at Smoky Valley?
I get to see all of my old friends that graduated.

2. What are your plans for next year?
Well I’m undecided about college so far.

3. What’s something that makes you angry?

4. What would you do if you were an actual king?
I would make nap hour legal in school, make everyone have to have a big stuffed banana, and make everyone bring me peace tea.

5. Who’s more excited for you to be nominated, you or your mom?
My mom, she says its a privilege.

6. What’s the funniest thing that has happened to you all week?
Seeing Tyler’s pants fall down in gym


1. What do you think is special about homecoming here at SV?
I think our homecoming is special because it's nice to see old friends who come back for the game. 

2. What are your plans for next year?
I plan to attend K-State and major in Engineering.

3. Who's your favorite singer/band?
Eric Church

4. How do you and the rest of the Kilt Krew come up with all those ways to pump up the crowd?
We generally just think about what gets us fired up at games.

5. Whats the funniest or craziest thing you've ever done?
Once i wrestled a giraffe to the ground with my bare hands. Also, i ran a marathon. 


1. Whats special about homecoming here at SV?
Its awesome

2. What are your plans for next year?
To attend college, maybe bethany

3. Whats your favorite sport and why?
Basketball because I have always played it and my whole family has.

4. Do you like your chicken fried and jeans that fit just right? 
Heck yeah

5. What do you think of Ms. Lysell?
She is legit and I LOVE HER

6. Would you rather get rid of Justin Beiber or Rebecca Black?

Friday, September 23, 2011

School is what you make of it

            A majority of our school has had Mrs. Krehbiel in one math class or another. Have any of you ever looked above her chalkboard to see some very true words? There it states: “school is what you make of it.”
            I have gotten to the point where I am sick of people complaining about having to go to school. I’m not trying to be hypocritical, because sometimes I catch myself complaining, too. It can be a pain to wake up 5:30 for some of you, or waiting until 7:50 for others, five days a week, and staying up until midnight trying to finish homework. I understand.
            Can you honestly say you hate school? We live in an extremely privileged country where we have an education that many kids around the world would love to have. You probably wouldn’t want to go to school in Europe either, where they have 2-3 hours of homework every night. Be thankful for what has been given to you.
            For those of you that don’t even come to school…why? I know you want your freedom, and you’re just absolutely sick of high school (trust me, I am too), but just hang in there until graduation. I’m not going to be the one to call you a failure for not getting into college or even wanting to go, because I don’t think it’s for everyone. Do what you feel. Whether it’s starting work, joining the armed forces, or going to college, just keep in mind that you’re building your foundation here in high school. If you’re finding it difficult to have a good attitude here, then you’re probably going to find it difficult to have a good attitude wherever your life takes you.
            I don’t think happiness comes from getting everything you want; it’s from changing your perspective on what you have. Try your hardest to be happy here. You may be fighting your own battles at home or wherever, but be thankful that you do get to come here and have a chance to be someone. Like some cheesy Miley Cyrus lyrics say (because sometimes I like to be cheesy),

“Caterpillar in the tree,
how you wonder who you’ll be,
can’t go far, but you can always dream.
Wish you may and wish you might,
don’t you worry, hold on tight.
I promise you that there will come a day.
Butterfly fly away.”

The world’s a big and crazy place. You can do whatever you want, but for now, stick to being a kid. And with that, I leave you. But remember: school is what you make of it. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

SVHS vs. Sterling pics!

Aaron Evans, sophomore, anticipates the kick-off to start the game.

Spencer Bird, sophomore, and the rest of the players meet in between plays.

The student section supporting the Vikings against Sterling.

Nick Deterding, senior, runs the ball.

A viking dives forward for extra yardage.


At half time, Dani Rome, senior, performs the Wildfire's routine to Party Rock Anthem.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Poor Image

By Katie Kisor
People travel in a pack looking for their next victim, willing to stomp on anyone who gets in his or her way. They are called the wolves of the great wilderness, starving to get that next juicy story. But are they out of control?

Many people say that the paparazzi are out of control. They say that they are monsters when it comes to people’s private life. Do they even know the boundary to respect the privacy of the people they use as their victims? Do they understand the hurt that they can cause?
Why should we care about Charlie Sheen’s latest breakdown? Or what crazy stunt the celebrities are pulling now? Did the paparazzi cause the death of Princess Diana?  Shouldn’t a reporter respect the privacy of people and even the safety of those people, even if they are a public figure?
In my opinion there are certain stories that a reporter should write and there are those that they shouldn’t write. There are certain boundaries that should not be crossed, certain ethics that should be followed. Taking a picture of a celebrity out doing there daily lives out in the public. Trying to take pictures of them doing things on their private property now that is over the line that is privacy and that is a line that reporters should not pass another example of a line that should not be crossed is would be the death of Princess Diana in Paris.
According to Princess Diana’s death that occurred when her car swerved trying to avoid a group of photographers on motorcycles.  I think that the photographers should have known that they had passed the boundary lines and then maybe it wouldn’t have caused such and ugly mess, and have taken an innocent life.
Reports must be responsible for their actions and they must know the boundaries into what is private and what is publicity. They must the difference between to much and just enough other wise. They are just the wolves of the great wilderness. 

Lessons Learned…Or Not Learned

By Dani De Vore

                The European colonists of the 1600s brought with them the beginning of the end to the Native Americans. Within 200 years, the native people of the New World had been all but massacred and depleted to nearly nothing. If only they had known from the beginning that these settlers would eventually bring strife and violence into their lives, then perhaps they would have fought a little harder to keep the colonists off their land.
              Yet, after centuries we see a similar scenario paralleled in today’s politics. The great country of America has blindly welcomed a likely foreigner into its embrace. This man whose politics and ambitions threaten the wellbeing of American citizens (and most assuredly benefit the wellbeing of illegal immigrants) has taken a role of leadership meant for someone officially born on American soil. We call this man President Obama.
              Although we certainly don’t expect a massacre any time soon, America should definitely take into account the story of the Native Americans. We have already seen what a supposed foreigner can do to a country. Across the country banks, automakers, and the housing market have been nationalized, causing the downfall of the free market. This has allowed the government to push its own agenda and spend other peoples’ money instead of its own.
             In addition to this, Obama has increased the national deficit more in two-and-a-half years than have all the previous presidents combined. He refuses to address energy problems. He also will not allow American oil companies to drill for oil on our land. Insisting upon purchasing oil from foreign countries, Obama himself has caused gas prices to skyrocket in the U.S.As if these problems aren’t enough, the unemployment rate has increased dramatically, leaving families without income. Is this the kind of leader we want in our country? We have elected a man who cannot technically prove his own citizenship. As ABC television host and comedian Jimmy Kimmel puts it, the only difference between Obama and his dog Bo is that Bo has papers.
            Hopefully in the upcoming election America will not make the same mistake once again. Let’s all learn a lesson from the Native Americans and keep the foreigners out of power.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Gone Fishin'

Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to have a fish bite your hand? No? Perhaps watching a fish bite someone else’s hand is more to the taste of most peopleThe recent Animal Planet show “Hillbilly Handfishin’,” first airing in 2010, has inspired adventurous hearts across the country to try their hand—literally—at this odd technique of fishing. 
Also known as “noodling,” this adventurous sport uses the fisherman’s hands and feet to catch the fish. A popular sport in the South, noodling has gained national attention through this unique television show. Viewers can expect a few good laughs as veteran noodler Skipper Bivins takes city slickers out in the water to try their luck at handfishing. Imagine the shock these folks must experience when they feel the mouth of a 70-pound catfish clamp down on their hand!
First-time noodlers can usually get quite the scare when they stick their hand down into murky water and feel the slimy skin of a fish waiting to chomp down. According to those who’ve tried this odd genre of fishing, a bloody hand or foot isn’t all that uncommon; you’ve just got to toughen up and stick with the fish, much like Hemingway’s “The Old Man and the Sea.” 
Unfortunately for some noodlers, encounters with the cottonmouth snakes that frequent the same holes as the fish have left some fisherman with the jitters. To remedy this problem, spotters are often used to alert the noodler of any slithery predators lurking in the murky water.
Although only a small percentage of the states allow handfishing because of environmental reasons, many noodlers throw back the fish they catch. Noodling is seen as a sport in the South, not as a main source of food.
The record catch for handfishing in the U.S. was a 123-pound flathead catfish, set in Kansas by Ken Paulie. In 2001 during the filming of a documentary on handfishing, it was brought to attention that there were no official contests for the sport. As a result, the First Annual Okie Noodling Tournament was held in Oklahoma that year.
Although this sport might not be for the faint of heart, hillbilly handfishing is a technique gaining attention and popularity nationwide. So if you ever find yourself bored with a regular old fishing pole, you might want to have a go at this bizarre form of fishing.

By Dani DeVore

Fighting the Freeze

Is it just me, or does it feel like Jack Frost has descended upon our school?

Our halls are filled with an abundance of students wearing heavy sweatshirts and bulky overcoats.  With temperatures hitting record highs outside, it’s hard to believe that people are dressed in fall apparel during summer!

Personally, I feel like I’m going to school in a refrigerator.  I dress almost everyday in the warmest clothes I can find in order to combat the sub-zero temperatures inside our school.  On the few days I do dress like its summer, I freeze, shivering throughout the entire day, and living with permanent goose bumps. Sometimes, I go outside during lunch just to warm up!

I would think with the massive budget cuts we’ve had to endure teachers wouldn’t mind turning the thermostats up a little.  My question is: wouldn’t it save us more money?

I understand that some people like being extremely cold, but I personally can’t focus on what my teacher is saying when I’m focused on how cold I am! My plea is this: please warm up the school! The students in jackets will thank you.

By Megan James and Abbey Bengtson

Friday, April 29, 2011

Viking Voice: Do you think Marquette Jr. High should close?

No... [there's already] too many here already in high school, we dont need more in the middle school as well. - Skylar Mills, freshmen

I think that the school closing down was coming anyway. You can either save the money now or later, but Marquette will be closing soon, whether we like it or not. - Carrie Albers, sophomore

I don't care either way, but you can't please everyone. - Emma Anderson, sophomore 

Close it, send them to death camps. Nothing good comes out of that town. - Mikael Midkiff, senior 

No? - Halie Sparks, freshmen 

No. - Ethan Loder, freshmen 

No! I think it should have stayed open. I am a better student because of MJH, we had great teachers and the learning atmosphere was great! I used to be an average D student in California and I went to being an A student because the teachers were so caring and so understanding. In California I never had the chance to talk to the teacher person to person because my classroom average was 50 kids per classroom. - Ceci Gonzales, junior 

I think it's a good idea. - Krystin Vidrine, junior 

Yes it should be closed down so the school can be better and have more learning stuff. Many students say they don't learn because they don't have as much, well this is a chance to gain for our school and have more students do better on their work and tests. - Larissa Walker, sophomore 

Well, everybody is going to say that it shouldn't, but honestly if it is going to help our school sufficiently and makes it to where we don't have to cut things like music, or sports i think it should. - Caitlyn Barnes, freshmen 

Keep the school! - Cody Hopkins, freshman

No it shouldn't, because we put a lot in to our school and we may not have as many people as Lindsborg but our school has a much as right as Lindsborg's schools should be. Our school is loved by many and if it closes Marquette every one will move and it will be desserted.  - Mary Linder, freshmen 

No, it should not because it would not help the USD 400 budget at all as far as I'm concerned. They would have to buy more books in the classes of LMS because they barely have enough books for all the current students. Some of the books are so old that they would be better off buying new books, which would cost a lot. They would have to buy more desks for more kids because some classes are so large that the kids take up almost every desk as it is. - Jared Wilson, sophomore 

No, it should be kept open! That school really means a lot to the people of Marquette! - Daisy Quested, sophomore 

Yes. It won't kill them to drive 15 miles. - Hailey Martin, junior 

I think that if Marquette raises the funds to support themselves (which they are doing), who's to say they should not stay open?  If the junior high closes, the elementary school will go extinct and eventually the town will go with it.  Marquette thrives on the youth in town and it would be sad to see Lindsborg's sister town turn into a ghost town because the junior high was no more. Also, when the junior high closes, the businesses in town will suffer and will have to close because they won't have enough business to stay open.  A large amount of people will lose their jobs and then the decision of closing down the junior high will have created more of a problem then intended. - Laura Klaassen, senior 

It should definitely not be closed down!!! If it closes down, the town will go down with it. - Jessica Rider, senior 

I think they should keep it open. Yes it might be a small town but its one of the main things keeping our town alive and if the school goes who knows what else might be next. We might not have the money to fund it but its also nice for the families in Marquette because then they don't have to drive to Lindsborg to watch concerts or sports and its closer to home. - Brian Patrick, senior 

Inside Opinion: April edition

- What happened to the dress code? That's my question.

- Seth Nelson+Trevor Menke=Jim Halpert

- Some times I wonder "Why is that Frisbee getting bigger?" and then it hits me.

- Did you know that if you say Colter! Colter! Colter! really fast it starts to sound like a gurgle.

- Quit complaining about Marquette closing.

- Is it necessary for couples to kiss goodbye to go to separate hallways? 

- Is NObama going to win re-election in 2012? Or is Donald "The Billionaire" Trump going to clobber him and become the next president? And if Trump does win, who here thinks he'd be a decent president? Anyone?

- The Marquette school shouldn't be closed down!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Seniors continue to change the world

Seniors Marina Patrick and Staci Foster sit at their table in the commons
handing out and selling treats.
Smoky Valley seniors are just touching the tip of their “Change the World” projects. Some are walking for the benefit of others while other seniors, such Marina Patrick and Staci Foster, are baking for a cause.

Patrick and Foster chose Invisible Children, which is a relief effort for child soldiers fighting in Uganda.
“We picked the Invisible Children because we believe that their story is not well known,” Patrick said. “Many people picked issues such as breast cancer, but the Invisible Childrens' story has not been told and we were hoping to spread their story.”

The two seniors raised $108.80 between the two lunch periods on March 9th by selling several baked goods, puppy chow, and dirt ‘n worms.

“I wish that we could have provided more dirt n' worms. We knew that it would be popular, but if we would’ve known we would have made that much [money] we definitely would have prepared better,” Patrick said. “It was just the lack of knowing how much we needed on our part.”
However, their efforts were definitely a success. The pair baked for 12 hours in order to prepare for the sale.

“We would most definitely do it again,” Patrick said. “We would do it again because we believe that spending a few hours of our time baking goods and selling them makes it worth it to possibly help save thousands of lives over in Uganda.”
A group from the Invisible Children organization will be visiting Smoky Valley to spread their story on March 16th in the auditorium at 2:30.

- Carleigh Albers, Viking Mirror Editor

SVHS "dies" for drunk driving awareness

Senior Cody Bowers, junior Desiree Harrison, sophomore Jessica VanRanken, teacher Ryan Biegert, freshman Jenell Hulse, sophomore Dylan Pruitt, and senior Kari Bingham.
Imagine walking through the hallways between classes and seeing your best friend wearing a black victim shirt. Your best friend has now been victimized by a drunk driving accident.
Six students and one teacher floated the SVHS hallways on Thursday, March 10, as victims of "drunk driving accidents." The FCCLA group raised awareness for distracted driving during the last three days of the school week, focusing on wearing seat belts, texting and driving, and driving under the influence.
Using the statistic "every 50 minutes someone dies from a drunk driving accident," FCCLA reminded students how tragic drunk driving can be. Almost every hour, a student was chosen at random to sport the black shirts with a victim number on it. The students wore the shirts the rest of the day to show students how many people are affected by driving under the influence. On Wednesday, posters with facts and statistics were hung on the school walls. On Friday, FCCLA shared a short documentary by AT&T called "The Last Text." Seminar classes watched and discussed the video.

    - Megan Roberts, Senior blog editor

Friday, February 25, 2011

VIKING VOICE: Bathroom vandalism

This month's Viking Voice: What do you think of the bathroom vandalism? 

"I think that it is stupid that girls have to sign out when its the boys bathroom getting vandalized." - Lacey Bowles, junior.

"My opinion would be that the girls shouldn't be punished for what the boys do to their bathrooms. The girls shouldn't get their bathrooms passes taken away for what the boys did. That's not fair to us." - Sarah Sharp, freshmen.

"I think it is stupid that the girls are being punished for the vandalism too. If we were actually vandalizing our bathroom then it would be acceptable." - Ashley Foley, sophomore.

"My opinion is that whoever is doing should be shot. Just say'in." - Abigail Householter, freshmen.

"The girls shouldn't be punished for the boys immaturity. Not being able to go in the locker rooms during school is stupid, especially when it's the boys bathroom and locker room thats being vandalized." Hailey Martin, junior.

"I think whoever is vandalizing the boy's bathroom should stop. It's stupid and juvenile. If they're trying to prove that they're a "big boy" by vandalizing stuff and showing that they're bad, they're going the opposite direction. Everybody thinks they're stupid and nobody is impressed." - Abbey Bengston, sophomore.

"I think it is stupid! What is the thrill of vandalizing something for no apparent reason? It just makes a hassle for everyone, especially the janitors. Personally, I hate being treated like we are in elementary school....we are in high school now and I think that people should be mature enough to behave themselves. It's a shame that one or two people are ruining the privileges for everyone! Just grow up already!" - Lori Dauer, senior.

"It's dumb to make stupid decisions that are inconvenient for everyone. Learn the first time and don't be idiots." - Monica Olson, senior.

"Stop vandalizing stuff and freaking get a life!" - Mattie Loder, senior.

"It's terrible. I hate it. A few people screw it up for everybody else, and they may find other places to vandalize, and then the situation gets worse for everyone else. " - Neal Nickel, senior.

"I think that the people who are doing this should just knock it off. What the point in destroying a bathroom? In no way is it funny and it doesn't make them look cool. Honestly I think they just need to grow up!" - Liz Trowbridge, sophomore. 

"My opinion is pointless and plus why do the girls lockeroom also have to be locked up? We didn't do anything. It's very aggravating." - Taylor Tiani, freshmen.

"This is ridiculous.  We have such nice facilities here at SVHS and for people to go about and ruin all this, it's so stupid.  Grow up.  If they are doing it for one is laughing." - Maddie Klotzbach, sophomore.

"Why?! It is stupid and immature. We all know that schools are facing budget cuts, so why are there people here who are damaging school property that will have to be paid for by the school?!" - Dani Devore, junior. 

"Stupid! High school students shouldn't act like preschoolers, grow up and stop being immature!" - Brittney O'Steen, junior. 

"I think that the people who did it should be kicked out of school and shot in the head 100 times by a BB gun. I will do the honors." - Josiah Roberts, junior. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

STAR student

High school students across the country tremble as they step up in front of the class to give a speech to their classmates they have known for years. So why would anyone decide to give a speech on front of people they don’t know on their own free will? Junior Arianna Johnson is doing just that. 

On February 2, Johnson will be taking part in the FCCLA District STAR events alongside many other students from surrounding schools.  A STAR event – Students Taking Action with Recognition – “is a competitive event in which members are recognized for proficiency and achievement in chapter and individual projects, leadership skills, and career preparation,” according to FCCLA Inc. Johnson answered a few questions about her presentation.

Megan Roberts: What is a STAR event?
Arianna Johnson: A star event is something you participate in and you give a presentation about certain topics that you can choose from.
MR: What made you decide to participate in STAR events this year?
AJ: It sounded like something fun to do. Our FCCLA never gets recognized for anything.
MR: What is your presentation about?
AJ: Eating disorders.
MR: Are you nervous about giving this talk?
AJ: Yes, I’m not a big fan of public speaking.
MR: What do you hope to get out of this experience?
AJ: Learn something about what so many teens my age go through with disorders.
MR: If you get the highest mark, what happens next?
AJ: No idea. [You can go on to state and nationals.]
MR: How long did it take you to write up and practice your speech?
AJ: Two weeks.
Several of the FCCLA members from Smoky Valley will go along with Johnson to the district meeting to help time and judge the speeches and also vote for the incoming District G officers for next year. 

 - Megan Roberts, Senior Blog Editor

Pep Band: pointless?

What is the point of Pep Band?

Usually the Smoky Valley Viking Band plays for athletic games, such as football and basketball. These games require those who are enrolled in band to attend those sporting events and play their instruments for the duration of the game. Some people enjoy doing this while others do not.

For football games they play ‘til the 3rd quarter then start back up again for the 4th. For basketball they split the band into two sections (black and orange) and begin for the women’s games and get the 3rd quarter off for both men’s and women’s basketball games. This requires even less dedication for the band members, seeing as they can get the night off if they don’t have to play.

Now a proposal has been set for the band to play in a manner such as this:

. Play for warm-up and intro of women’s basketball game.
. Band members leave and do their own thing ‘til two minutes is left on the clock in the 4th quarter.
. Play in-between games, Star-Spangled Banner, and intro of boy’s basketball game.
. Band members are then dismissed from the entire game and free to do whatever they want.

To some band members this sounds like an excellent idea. They get to hang out with their friends in the student section and they don’t have to play their instruments. To some, like myself, this sounds like a waste of my time.

I don’t see the point of having to get my instrument ready to play for a measly seven to nine songs compared to playing over 20 songs during the two games. If pep band is going to be cut into little pieces, you might as well take away the whole thing instead of watering it down this much.

It forces us to stick around for the women’s game (which hardly anyone attends due to a lack of school spirit and support for women’s sports) and then have us stay for the beginning of a men’s game. It’s pathetic.

Not to mention it makes for a lack of entertain for the audience that crowds into the gym. Parents and friends sit in the stands to listen to mainly silent timeouts. Believe it or not, but people actually enjoy listen to the band play.

I understand the band isn’t suppose to be like a pep club, but we’ve been aware that the band plays during games since middle school. Call me weird, but I probably wouldn’t go to the basketball games if it weren’t for pep band.

You don’t like it? Don’t enroll in the class. 

- Carleigh Albers, Senior Viking Mirror Co-Editor