1. What do you think is special about homecoming at Smoky Valley?
Well... the parade and pep rally were always fun and special but now WE AREN'T HAVING THOSE. So the most special thing is that I'm a candidate =P
2. What are your plans for next year?
Major in athletic training at either the University of Montana or K – State
3. Who's your favorite band?
4. What's your dream car?
Black Chevy Silverado =)
5. Who is the hottest guy you've ever seen?
Can I put a real person? Hopefully he won't see this... ever. Tyler Roberts. Mmmmmmm =)
6. What is your favorite TV show?
Spongebob Squarepants, Jersey Shore, and Dexterrrrrr!
What do you think is special about homecoming at Smoky Valley?
It's a grand ol' time! It's nothing too special, but it's still fun.
What are your plans for next year?
Going to college, probably to KSU. GO CATS!
What's your favorite movie?
She's the Man
What's the most random item in your car?
A red reverse uno card
Who is the hottest guy ever in your opinion?
Josh Turner
What's your favorite cartoon?
What do you think is special about Smoky Valley?
Homecoming is my favorite football game of the year because we get to see and visit with all of our friends who have graduated!
What are your plans for next year?
I will be attending KSU and following the pre-med curriculum.
What's your favorite quote?
I wanna see you out that door, baby, Bye bye bye!
What's on your iPod?
everything? Nsync, Hilary Duff, Summer Set...and the song Shake Senora.
Who's your childhood hero?
Hilary Duff...a.k.a. Lizzie McGuire!
What's your favorite coffee drink?
The Frosted Pumpkin...created by yours truly ;)
1. What do you think is special at homecoming here at Smoky Valley?
I get to see all of my old friends that graduated.
2. What are your plans for next year?
Well I’m undecided about college so far.
3. What’s something that makes you angry?
4. What would you do if you were an actual king?
I would make nap hour legal in school, make everyone have to have a big stuffed banana, and make everyone bring me peace tea.
5. Who’s more excited for you to be nominated, you or your mom?
My mom, she says its a privilege.
6. What’s the funniest thing that has happened to you all week?
Seeing Tyler’s pants fall down in gym
1. What do you think is special about homecoming here at SV?
I think our homecoming is special because it's nice to see old friends who come back for the game.
2. What are your plans for next year?
I plan to attend K-State and major in Engineering.
3. Who's your favorite singer/band?
Eric Church
4. How do you and the rest of the Kilt Krew come up with all those ways to pump up the crowd?
We generally just think about what gets us fired up at games.
5. Whats the funniest or craziest thing you've ever done?
Once i wrestled a giraffe to the ground with my bare hands. Also, i ran a marathon.
1. Whats special about homecoming here at SV?
Its awesome
2. What are your plans for next year?
To attend college, maybe bethany
3. Whats your favorite sport and why?
Basketball because I have always played it and my whole family has.
4. Do you like your chicken fried and jeans that fit just right?
Heck yeah
5. What do you think of Ms. Lysell?
She is legit and I LOVE HER
6. Would you rather get rid of Justin Beiber or Rebecca Black?