The Viking Mirror received this letter from a former student from SVHS.
Dear editor and great illustrious students of Smoky Valley: I have a few things to say, so you might be wondering why you should listen at all to me. Well, for starters, I did finish at the top of the SV class of '09, so I must have done something right. I have seen and figured out a few things since I went away to college, the University of Kansas to be exact, so to start off: Mrs. Wentz's class is not hard. Take it and be appreciative that you have such a great English teacher that opens your minds to literature. Second: if you want to keep experiencing high school when you go off to college, then by all means go where your friends go. If you want to truly expand your horizons and meet some people who will blow your mind and be unlike anyone you have met before, people who have some great ideas and care passionately about a variety of issues, go somewhere else.
Mrs. Denk, your former Queen of the library, elucidated on what college would be like when she stated that you would move from talking about "people, to things, and finally to ideas". That quote has driven me to find and encounter the conversations that have fueled a passion for life that I hope all of you will find one day. It is difficult for you to be inspired by your teachers here at SVHS, I know. I didn't gain much gumption from the riveting prospect of long division or giving speeches, but they all serve great purposes. You will all have to speak to people some day. This may come as a shock to those who thought that texting was an acceptable form of communication 95% of the time, with Facebook filling the other 5% void. I attempted this process, and immediately realized that my life would be a single and lonely one. What I have found is there is an acceptable time and place for everything, and it's the weird and awkward learning experiences that help us figure out those times and places.
I would also like to applaud those that aren't going to college, and I know that's for a variety of reasons here at SV. I know you all will begin to work harder than I ever have yet in life, and I can appreciate that. I wish you all the best and hope that whatever you do, it's something you love as well.
Don't worry about the drama that you experience in high school. It really is pointless, no matter how important you think that glare was from you-know-who. Realize that most likely you won't be talking to about 90% of the people you went to school with, unless of course you go to college with them. I hope everyone has a happy break and takes at least some risks as you try and figure out what the heck to do for three weeks! And by risks, I mean finishing Halo on legendary level, duh.
-Cooper "Got it from my mama" Nickel
TL;DR: Some guy who thinks he knows everything cause he just went off to college wants to impart some of his profound knowledge on the High-School peasants.
ReplyDeleteI miss you, Coop! I miss seeing you in the Pooh Bear suit.